(WORK IN PROGRESS based on Server 563-Ogre-EST
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Charm Rankings was an event across all servers to let players have a chance to get the new Angel Academy outfit. Theoretically you can also get that in the Mall, according to the tooltip for the outfit components, but this is actually unlikely.
There are two parts to the Charm Rankings event -- Getting feathers to Rank, and getting Points to redeem. To do anything, you first need Feathers. Normally, Feathers are purchased from the Charm Star interface at 10 Topaz per Feather.
Unfortunately, concurrent with this event was a rerun of Treasure Seeker, another pricey event.
Feathers - Various Events (all 3-day, the same period of Charm Rankings) reward Feathers:
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Charm Rankings was an event across all servers to let players have a chance to get the new Angel Academy outfit. Theoretically you can also get that in the Mall, according to the tooltip for the outfit components, but this is actually unlikely.
There are two parts to the Charm Rankings event -- Getting feathers to Rank, and getting Points to redeem. To do anything, you first need Feathers. Normally, Feathers are purchased from the Charm Star interface at 10 Topaz per Feather.
Unfortunately, concurrent with this event was a rerun of Treasure Seeker, another pricey event.
Feathers - Various Events (all 3-day, the same period of Charm Rankings) reward Feathers:
- One-Day Recharge - Recharge 200 to 20000 Topaz to receive 0 to 200 Feathers and 10 to 310 Pickaxes for Treasure Seeker.
- Fallen Feather - Feathers are random drops in Elite Dungeons during the event.
- Concurrent with this event was You're Elite, which gave prizes for 10 to 150 Elite Dungeons cleared. Pickaxes were given at 80 and 150 Dungeon clears.
- All Rounder - Completing all the tasks for All Rounder in the same day awarded 10 Feathers in addition to 100 Engraving Stones and 1 Relic Crystal.
- In order to complete all tasks, Diamonds must be spent as well as at least 1 Recharge of any amount.
- Tasks that required Diamonds or Recharging also awarded 2 Pickaxes each.
- Feather for VIP - Feathers can be purchased in limited quantities daily with Diamonds, based on VIP level -- 2 for VIP 0, up to a total of 37 for VIP 9. 10 Diamonds each.
- Stamina Tycoon - Prizes for buying Stamina 4 to 13 times per day (to buy Stamina more than 5 times a day requires VIP 1). Buying Stamina from stores do NOT count. Buying Stamina 13 times awards 5 Pickaxes and 5 Feathers in addition to the regular prize of 30 Aptitude Codexes.
- The more feathers you RECEIVE as GIFTS from others (including yourself), the higher you get on the ranking. Only the top 5 persons will get any sort of prize.
- Feathers are received anonymously unless 99 are given at the same time.
- Prizes include a TEMPORARY bonus title and materials to craft or upgrade high-level Accessories.
- To gift a feather, use the special blue button in the upper right corner to open a special menu.
- Giving 20 to 2000 Feathers in total during the event also awards prizes in the "Feather Bonus" event.
- It is recommended that you DO NOT actually participate in trying to Rank from the very first day. Instead, accumulate your feathers and decide later.
- If you will have so many feather points that you will hit the daily purchase limits in the Points Shop, then spend only enough feathers to get what you want and try to save the rest for later.
- On the last day, look at the rankings and determine how badly you want a particular spot. At that point, spend Topaz if you have to in order to secure your spot.
- For accounts that are not going to bother trying to rank at all, it is also recommended that you save as many feathers as you can till the last day in order to help your friends or guildmates keep their rank.
- Alternatively, help someone who cannot cash-compete with the top "wallet warriors" and gift them your feathers to boost their rank. But check how close they are to actually getting on the board before you commit.
Points Shop
- When you give away Feathers, you get 1 point for each. These points can be redeemed for items including Mythic Hero and Mythic Gear shards.
- The top prizes can be redeemed by anyone: Angel Academy outfit pieces -- 500 points per piece of the outfit. Without spending Topaz, it is basically impossible. An absolutely vast amount of Stamina would be required to get 500 feathers from Elite Dungeons over the three days.
- You cannot save feathers or Points in the hopes that the event will run again.
Event - School Memories
- Post a winning school memory and receive prizes.

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Charm Rankings was an event across all servers to let players have a chance to get the new Angel Academy outfit. Theoretically you can also get that in the Mall, according to the tooltip for the outfit components, but this is actually unlikely.
There are two parts to the Charm Rankings event -- Getting feathers to Rank, and getting Points to redeem. To do anything, you first need Feathers. Normally, Feathers are purchased from the Charm Star interface at 10 Topaz per Feather.
Unfortunately, concurrent with this event was a rerun of Treasure Seeker, another pricey event.
Feathers - Various Events (all 3-day, the same period of Charm Rankings) reward Feathers:
- One-Day Recharge - Recharge 200 to 20000 Topaz to receive 0 to 200 Feathers and 10 to 310 Pickaxes for Treasure Seeker.
- Fallen Feather - Feathers are random drops in Elite Dungeons during the event.
- Concurrent with this event was You're Elite, which gave prizes for 10 to 150 Elite Dungeons cleared. Pickaxes were given at 80 and 150 Dungeon clears.
- All Rounder - Completing all the tasks for All Rounder in the same day awarded 10 Feathers in addition to 100 Engraving Stones and 1 Relic Crystal.
- In order to complete all tasks, Diamonds must be spent as well as at least 1 Recharge of any amount.
- Tasks that required Diamonds or Recharging also awarded 2 Pickaxes each.
- Feather for VIP - Feathers can be purchased in limited quantities daily with Diamonds, based on VIP level -- 2 for VIP 0, up to a total of 37 for VIP 9. 10 Diamonds each.
- Stamina Tycoon - Prizes for buying Stamina 4 to 13 times per day (to buy Stamina more than 5 times a day requires VIP 1). Buying Stamina from stores do NOT count. Buying Stamina 13 times awards 5 Pickaxes and 5 Feathers in addition to the regular prize of 30 Aptitude Codexes.
- The more feathers you RECEIVE as GIFTS from others (including yourself), the higher you get on the ranking. Only the top 5 persons will get any sort of prize.
- Feathers are received anonymously unless 99 are given at the same time.
- Prizes include a TEMPORARY bonus title and materials to craft or upgrade high-level Accessories.
- To gift a feather, use the special blue button in the upper right corner to open a special menu.
- Giving 20 to 2000 Feathers in total during the event also awards prizes in the "Feather Bonus" event.
- It is recommended that you DO NOT actually participate in trying to Rank from the very first day. Instead, accumulate your feathers and decide later.
- If you will have so many feather points that you will hit the daily purchase limits in the Points Shop, then spend only enough feathers to get what you want and try to save the rest for later.
- On the last day, look at the rankings and determine how badly you want a particular spot. At that point, spend Topaz if you have to in order to secure your spot.
- For accounts that are not going to bother trying to rank at all, it is also recommended that you save as many feathers as you can till the last day in order to help your friends or guildmates keep their rank.
- Alternatively, help someone who cannot cash-compete with the top "wallet warriors" and gift them your feathers to boost their rank. But check how close they are to actually getting on the board before you commit.
Points Shop
- When you give away Feathers, you get 1 point for each. These points can be redeemed for items including Mythic Hero and Mythic Gear shards.
- The top prizes can be redeemed by anyone: Angel Academy outfit pieces -- 500 points per piece of the outfit. Without spending Topaz, it is basically impossible. An absolutely vast amount of Stamina would be required to get 500 feathers from Elite Dungeons over the three days.
- You cannot save feathers or Points in the hopes that the event will run again.
Event - School Memories
- Post a winning school memory and receive prizes.

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