
Next Year's Projects

Like clockwork, my followers know that October 1st is the first day in my gaming calendar.   It's time to assemble a rough framework of plans and projections for the next twelve months (Oct 2017 - Sep 2018).

Gnome Wars: It's the original inspiration for the blog.  It doesn't generate as much traffic as other games, but I assure you, I will make a concerted effort increase my writing for, and play more games of, Gnome Wars this year.

The Pigeon God Continues...We're less than halfway through my college AD&D campaign. Somehow, things are going to get even weirder. After I finish up the last four or five episodes that aren't pending a Tuesday release yet, I may go into even older territories.  Even if it's not too long, a recollection of the high school and army campaigns into the new maps and geography, with some indexes might help .

My Girls:  Their little worlds right now are all about school, gymnastics, and Dad yelling at them to keep their rooms clean.  Maja's asking about questions about my "grow-up" games with my friends, so I believe I've snared her.  I think I could have done better playing games with them last year, but they're happy, and that's all that matters.   Activities with the girls:
  • My Little Ponies:  It's glaringly obvious that Ponies will dominate next year.  Seeing if Maja gets her friends excited about it will be fun to observe.  
  • Savage Worlds/Showdown:  The third season of our Pulp campaign will probably kick off in the Winter.  
  • Mousling Fantasy! Still figuring out if this should be less Savage Worlds and more like MLP.  
5th Edition D&D: Monday night is when I lock myself away and actually play an RPG as a player.  The online experience seems to fit the feel of 3.5 to 5e, where eight hours of online play in a month might equal a regular four-hour face-to-face session.

Other RPGs on Roll20:  I don't think I can squeeze in another session during the week without my wife pondering divorce, but filling in for cancelled 5e sessions will reduce the stockpile of game ideas, even if it's two or three a year.  If something befalls our 5e game, I have Adventures in Gulluvia (Red Box D&D) hiding in the wings. Or, perhaps we can do a four-hour online sessions on Sundays, like we used that long year ago.

Hackmaster on Roll20:  The "Journal" has allowed the Burning Trogs Redux to pick up steam.  Scheduling might be its downfall more than anything else. Nothing solid yet, but we've waited this long, we can wait awhile longer.

Call of Cthulhu:  A year hiatus has closed the door on the Masks campaign, but the next storyline will always be in the wings.

Of Mortals and Men/Song of Blades & Heroes:  If I can assemble the larger figures for my "Mousageddon/Ratnarock" game, I'll need a few sessions to familiarize myself with the rules.   I've seen children my kids' ages playing Song, so it can't hurt to try a few skirmishes.

Samoa:  Definitely on the back burner, but always in my heart.

Conventions:  Fall-In! (Daddy-Daughter Weekend-Players), Mepacon Fall (GM) Cold Wars (Guys Weekend - GM), Mepacon Spring 2018,   Birthday Weekend (To Be Revived?)   The Weekend (per the request of my wife), Historicon (Back in Lancaster!), possibly more?

Painting:  I'm thinking bulk projects (units not individuals figs) will keep me occupied.
  • Frost Giants:  Already in the queue.  
  • Gnomes:  Another adequate years painting one whole gnome unit.  More Germans, then everything else hiding on the shelf.
  • Martians:  the bin o' GW/Heartbreaker goblins I've snagged on the cheap is calling my name, and the paint schemes I have for them are fairly unique and inspiring. 
  • "Urban Egypt":  The Pulp Game needs a few pieces of terrain finished before season three is ready to launch.
  • Plus everything else that will distract me (OGRE Miniatures, I know you will taunt me so...)
  1. Must clean up the want list.  Simply taking care of my Bones, Brigade Games, and MLP RPG items will drop the list by a third and not completely clutter my painting bench.  
  2. Better Storage (and Waterproofing).  A little re-organization with new bins (especially for play mats), and some Dry-Lok for the Kriget Rum will ensure the basement collection is a little bit safer.  
  3. Minis:  More Gnomes to fill in the unit holes, but the rest are strangely similar to last year's list:  Brigade Arabs, Tin-Soldier Mexicans and Sengalese Askaris that I never got around to purchasing.  Plus I anticipate a small Pulp Figures order once next this year's Movember charity figure is announced.  
  4. Kickstarters:  No big Kickstarters in the near future, and with since my anticipated ones last year turned out to be pretty lackluster, I'll budget somewhere in the range of $200-250 for what catches my eye.  
  5. RPGs:  Still haven't picked up Bubblegumshoe.  An actual 5e Player's Handbook might be a practical gift on my Christmas list.  Anything beyond that will be what I can find at the HMGS flea markets or Mepacon's auction.  
    Like clockwork, my followers know that October 1st is the first day in my gaming calendar.   It's time to assemble a rough framework of plans and projections for the next twelve months (Oct 2017 - Sep 2018).

    Gnome Wars: It's the original inspiration for the blog.  It doesn't generate as much traffic as other games, but I assure you, I will make a concerted effort increase my writing for, and play more games of, Gnome Wars this year.

    The Pigeon God Continues...We're less than halfway through my college AD&D campaign. Somehow, things are going to get even weirder. After I finish up the last four or five episodes that aren't pending a Tuesday release yet, I may go into even older territories.  Even if it's not too long, a recollection of the high school and army campaigns into the new maps and geography, with some indexes might help .

    My Girls:  Their little worlds right now are all about school, gymnastics, and Dad yelling at them to keep their rooms clean.  Maja's asking about questions about my "grow-up" games with my friends, so I believe I've snared her.  I think I could have done better playing games with them last year, but they're happy, and that's all that matters.   Activities with the girls:
    • My Little Ponies:  It's glaringly obvious that Ponies will dominate next year.  Seeing if Maja gets her friends excited about it will be fun to observe.  
    • Savage Worlds/Showdown:  The third season of our Pulp campaign will probably kick off in the Winter.  
    • Mousling Fantasy! Still figuring out if this should be less Savage Worlds and more like MLP.  
    5th Edition D&D: Monday night is when I lock myself away and actually play an RPG as a player.  The online experience seems to fit the feel of 3.5 to 5e, where eight hours of online play in a month might equal a regular four-hour face-to-face session.

    Other RPGs on Roll20:  I don't think I can squeeze in another session during the week without my wife pondering divorce, but filling in for cancelled 5e sessions will reduce the stockpile of game ideas, even if it's two or three a year.  If something befalls our 5e game, I have Adventures in Gulluvia (Red Box D&D) hiding in the wings. Or, perhaps we can do a four-hour online sessions on Sundays, like we used that long year ago.

    Hackmaster on Roll20:  The "Journal" has allowed the Burning Trogs Redux to pick up steam.  Scheduling might be its downfall more than anything else. Nothing solid yet, but we've waited this long, we can wait awhile longer.

    Call of Cthulhu:  A year hiatus has closed the door on the Masks campaign, but the next storyline will always be in the wings.

    Of Mortals and Men/Song of Blades & Heroes:  If I can assemble the larger figures for my "Mousageddon/Ratnarock" game, I'll need a few sessions to familiarize myself with the rules.   I've seen children my kids' ages playing Song, so it can't hurt to try a few skirmishes.

    Samoa:  Definitely on the back burner, but always in my heart.

    Conventions:  Fall-In! (Daddy-Daughter Weekend-Players), Mepacon Fall (GM) Cold Wars (Guys Weekend - GM), Mepacon Spring 2018,   Birthday Weekend (To Be Revived?)   The Weekend (per the request of my wife), Historicon (Back in Lancaster!), possibly more?

    Painting:  I'm thinking bulk projects (units not individuals figs) will keep me occupied.
    • Frost Giants:  Already in the queue.  
    • Gnomes:  Another adequate years painting one whole gnome unit.  More Germans, then everything else hiding on the shelf.
    • Martians:  the bin o' GW/Heartbreaker goblins I've snagged on the cheap is calling my name, and the paint schemes I have for them are fairly unique and inspiring. 
    • "Urban Egypt":  The Pulp Game needs a few pieces of terrain finished before season three is ready to launch.
    • Plus everything else that will distract me (OGRE Miniatures, I know you will taunt me so...)
    1. Must clean up the want list.  Simply taking care of my Bones, Brigade Games, and MLP RPG items will drop the list by a third and not completely clutter my painting bench.  
    2. Better Storage (and Waterproofing).  A little re-organization with new bins (especially for play mats), and some Dry-Lok for the Kriget Rum will ensure the basement collection is a little bit safer.  
    3. Minis:  More Gnomes to fill in the unit holes, but the rest are strangely similar to last year's list:  Brigade Arabs, Tin-Soldier Mexicans and Sengalese Askaris that I never got around to purchasing.  Plus I anticipate a small Pulp Figures order once next this year's Movember charity figure is announced.  
    4. Kickstarters:  No big Kickstarters in the near future, and with since my anticipated ones last year turned out to be pretty lackluster, I'll budget somewhere in the range of $200-250 for what catches my eye.  
    5. RPGs:  Still haven't picked up Bubblegumshoe.  An actual 5e Player's Handbook might be a practical gift on my Christmas list.  Anything beyond that will be what I can find at the HMGS flea markets or Mepacon's auction.  

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