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Even for a fellow that preps early, #RPGaDay was a vast undertaking.   That, and the premise of online gaming, has distracted me from painting and the normal wide latitudes the blog ventures into.  Sure, I almost averaged a non-#RPGaDay post a day for August, but sometimes my heart wasn't in it.

Looking back at September 2016, it took awhile to get my bearings right. Masks of Nylarathotep was wrapping up, my Burning Trogs Rule! campaign journal finished just after Labor Day, I only painted  a few random figs, and relied on cutesy humor and Kickstarters to fill the void. I don't anticipate a major deviation from that this year.  Between my Pigeon God weekly entries, Apathy of the New Releases, and a pile of stuff that I never found room to post in August, I had material for 14 out of the 30 days in September as of the 1st.

I can easily see the dream list I mentioned two weeks ago filling in the remaining days, but reviewing last September's list, I completely forgot about the Family Game Decathlon.  I can't do a game-a-day concept for the month of September, but I can offer come competitive games as a reward for getting back in the homework swing of things.

Of course, the long term planning for seasonal help at work crumbled just hours before my all-intern staff was supposed to report in.  Lucky for us, my staff is still arriving earlier than previous years.  I just need to lower my expectations.

And as I mentioned back on Day #22, we did get to play my Terraforming Mars game using Risus, although I'm waiting for an opening to finish it. I'm sticking with Ponies for this upcoming Mepacon, including Friday sessions, but Terraforming Mars appears to be flexible enough to run in a four hour session (or perhaps two under a PbtA system, or something simpler, like Lasers and Feelings/Rockerboys & Vending Machines.

As my Track and Cross Country coach always said, "We shall see what we shall see."
Even for a fellow that preps early, #RPGaDay was a vast undertaking.   That, and the premise of online gaming, has distracted me from painting and the normal wide latitudes the blog ventures into.  Sure, I almost averaged a non-#RPGaDay post a day for August, but sometimes my heart wasn't in it.

Looking back at September 2016, it took awhile to get my bearings right. Masks of Nylarathotep was wrapping up, my Burning Trogs Rule! campaign journal finished just after Labor Day, I only painted  a few random figs, and relied on cutesy humor and Kickstarters to fill the void. I don't anticipate a major deviation from that this year.  Between my Pigeon God weekly entries, Apathy of the New Releases, and a pile of stuff that I never found room to post in August, I had material for 14 out of the 30 days in September as of the 1st.

I can easily see the dream list I mentioned two weeks ago filling in the remaining days, but reviewing last September's list, I completely forgot about the Family Game Decathlon.  I can't do a game-a-day concept for the month of September, but I can offer come competitive games as a reward for getting back in the homework swing of things.

Of course, the long term planning for seasonal help at work crumbled just hours before my all-intern staff was supposed to report in.  Lucky for us, my staff is still arriving earlier than previous years.  I just need to lower my expectations.

And as I mentioned back on Day #22, we did get to play my Terraforming Mars game using Risus, although I'm waiting for an opening to finish it. I'm sticking with Ponies for this upcoming Mepacon, including Friday sessions, but Terraforming Mars appears to be flexible enough to run in a four hour session (or perhaps two under a PbtA system, or something simpler, like Lasers and Feelings/Rockerboys & Vending Machines.

As my Track and Cross Country coach always said, "We shall see what we shall see."

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