
Day of Sloth Is Upon Us!

The Day of Sloth is upon us.  That glorious Sunday before Labor Day that my wife and I host a party involving a pot luck of grilled meat and decadent carbohydrates!  Rejoice and be glad!
Except, of course, that we celebrated the Day of Sloth yesterday.


My lovely wife has a rule when it comes to picnics and other soirees:  It ain't happening if she has to work the next morning, and she's working Labor Day, so an audible was called.

It's for the better.  Despite the later 4pm start and the remnants of Hurricane Harvey making northern Pennsylvania wet and miserable, we had a gaggle of friends over, two certifiable herds of children stampeding through the house, and a demand for hot dogs that only Joey Chestnut could compete with.

There was enough of a break in the rain to light up the fire pit and roast some marshmallows, and our small gamer attache of Steve, Nate, and Nichols had some good times with my neighbor, shooting the breeze while building the fire higher and higher.

My ultimate ulterior motive each Day of Sloth is to get some gaming in, but the later start time, the rain, and the endless supply of meat on the grill nixed that idea.  I will props to my daughter Maja, who did try to sneak in Car Wars The Card Game within the group's conversation on fatherhood, testing computer code, and Kickstarter's highs and lows.   Don't worry sweetie, you will get your reward in a few games today.

The gaming high point was the uncovering of the never-before-viewed "Journals of Echelon."   Actually it was Steve uncovering more typed up notes from the Ballad of the Pigeon God AD&D game from college. Some of the papers were props I typed up for sessions you'll see this Fall. Others are huge spoilers to future storylines, but include a bevy of juicy details that I got wrong.   Good, news, simple name changes are updates I can easily make at this time.  
The Day of Sloth is upon us.  That glorious Sunday before Labor Day that my wife and I host a party involving a pot luck of grilled meat and decadent carbohydrates!  Rejoice and be glad!
Except, of course, that we celebrated the Day of Sloth yesterday.


My lovely wife has a rule when it comes to picnics and other soirees:  It ain't happening if she has to work the next morning, and she's working Labor Day, so an audible was called.

It's for the better.  Despite the later 4pm start and the remnants of Hurricane Harvey making northern Pennsylvania wet and miserable, we had a gaggle of friends over, two certifiable herds of children stampeding through the house, and a demand for hot dogs that only Joey Chestnut could compete with.

There was enough of a break in the rain to light up the fire pit and roast some marshmallows, and our small gamer attache of Steve, Nate, and Nichols had some good times with my neighbor, shooting the breeze while building the fire higher and higher.

My ultimate ulterior motive each Day of Sloth is to get some gaming in, but the later start time, the rain, and the endless supply of meat on the grill nixed that idea.  I will props to my daughter Maja, who did try to sneak in Car Wars The Card Game within the group's conversation on fatherhood, testing computer code, and Kickstarter's highs and lows.   Don't worry sweetie, you will get your reward in a few games today.

The gaming high point was the uncovering of the never-before-viewed "Journals of Echelon."   Actually it was Steve uncovering more typed up notes from the Ballad of the Pigeon God AD&D game from college. Some of the papers were props I typed up for sessions you'll see this Fall. Others are huge spoilers to future storylines, but include a bevy of juicy details that I got wrong.   Good, news, simple name changes are updates I can easily make at this time.  

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